AA ~~~~~~~~Attendance Allowance
BDO ~~~~~~~Benefit Delivery Office
BDC ~~~~~~~Benefit Delivery Centre.
BEL ~~~~~~~~Benefit Enquiry Line
BL~~~~~~~~~ Budgeting Loan
CA~~~~~~~~~ Carer's Allowance
CAA~~~~~~~~ Constant Attendance Allowance
CAB~~~~~~~~ Citizens Advice Bureaux
CB ~~~~~~~~~Child Benefit
CBEP~~~~~~~ Child Benefit Extension Period
CCG~~~~~~~~ Community Care Grant
CL~~~~~~~~~ Crisis Loan
CLA~~~~~~~~ Community Legal Advice {formerly Community Legal Services. CLS)
CMS~~~~~~~ Customer Management System (DWP system for computerised processing of benefit claims.( Will also be used by LAs for HB/CTB )
CPAG ~~~~~~~Child Poverty Action Group
CPN~~~~~~~~ Community Psychiatric Nurse.
CTC ~~~~~~~~Child Tax Credit
CTB ~~~~~~~~Council Tax Benefit
CWP ~~~~~~~Cold Weather Payment
DBC ~~~~~~~~Disability Benefits Centre
DBU~~~~~~~~ Disability Benefits Unit
DDA~~~~~~~~ Disability Discrimination Act
DEA~~~~~~~~ Disability Employment Advisor
DfES~~~~~~~~ Department for Education and Skills
DHP~~~~~~~~ Discretionary housing payment
DIAL~~~~~~~~ Disability Information and Advice Line
DLA~~~~~~~~ Disability Living Allowance Components are:- ~
HRC~~~~ Higher Rate Care
MRC~~~~ Middle Rate Care ~
LRC ~~~~Lower Rate Care
HRM ~~~~Higher Rate Mobility
LRM~~~~ Lower Rate Mobility
DH ~~~~~~~~Disability Handbook (used by DM's and tribunal members to help assess DLA claims)
DM~~~~~~~~ Decision Maker ( formerly Adjudication Officer)
DMG~~~~~~~ Decision Makers Guide
DP ~~~~~~~~~Disability Premium
DQPM~~~~~~ Disability Qualified Panel Member (DLA Tribunals)
DSA ~~~~~~~~Disabled Students' Allowance
DSS ~~~~~~~~Department of Social Security (now DWP)
DWP~~~~~~~ Department of Work and Pensions
EEA~~~~~~~ European Economic Area
EEC ~~~~~~~European Economic Community
EDP~~~~~~~ Enhanced Disability Premium
EMP~~~~~~ Examining Medical Practitioner
ESA~~~~~~~ Employment and Support Allowance ( replaced IB for new claimants from 27 October 2008) ~
With ESA there are two types of allowance.
Contribution based (CB) and Income Based (IB).
FQPM ~~~~~~Financially Qualified Panel Member (Appeals Tribunal, sits only on cases involving overpayment of benefit
GB ~~~~~~~~Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales)
GL24 ~~~~~~The form used if you want to appeal a benefit decision.
GP ~~~~~~~~General Practitioner
HB ~~~~~~~~Housing Benefit
HCP ~~~~~~~Healthcare Professional.
HMRC~~~~~ Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs (formerly Inland Revenue)
HRP ~~~~~~~Home Responsibilities Protection
HRT ~~~~~~~Habitual Residence Test
IAP ~~~~~~~Intensive Activity Period
IB50~~~~~~ the form you fill in to assess whether you are incapable of work, for benefit purposes.
IB~~~~~~~~ Incapacity Benefit
IDB~~~~~~~ Industrial Death Benefit
IIDB ~~~~~~~industrial injuries disablement benefit
ILF~~~~~~~~ Independent Living Fund
IR~~~~~~~~ Inland Revenue
IS ~~~~~~~~Income Support
JSA~~~~~~~ Job Seekers Allowance, this is actually 2 benefits, ~
JSAIB ~~~~~~Job Seekers Allowance Income Based (means-tested)
JSACB ~~~~~~Jobs Seekers Allowance Contribution Based (based on NI Record).
LIMA ~~~~~~Logic Integrated Medical Assessment ( a computer based medical for IB claimants used by Atos doctors and other health care professionals who do medicals e.g. nurses)
LQPM~~~~~~ Legally Qualified Panel Member (Appeal Tribunals, would be the panel chairman)
MA ~~~~~~~~Maternity Allowance MSE Mental State Examination MQPM Medically Qualified Panel Member (Appeal Tribunals)
NHS~~~~~~~ National Health Service
NI ~~~~~~~~~National Insurance
NIC~~~~~~~~ National Insurance Contributions
NINO ~~~~~~National Insurance Number
PAYE ~~~~~~~Pay as you earn
PC ~~~~~~~~Pension Credit, there are 2 parts to this, ~
PCSC~~~~~~ Pension Credit Savings Credit
PCGC~~~~~~ Pension Credit Guarantee Credit (basically IS for the over 60s)
PCA ~~~~~~~Personal Capability Assessment
PIW~~~~~~~ Period of Incapacity for Work
PO ~~~~~~~~Presenting Officer (the DM who attends a tribunal, if one does attend, they don't always)
PS~~~~~~~~ Pension Service
RA~~~~~~~~ Retirement Allowance
REA~~~~~~~ Reduced Earnings Allowance
Reg~~~~~~~ Regulation in a set of Regulations
RPP~~~~~~~ Right Payments Programme
S2P ~~~~~~~Second State Pension
SP ~~~~~~~~State Pension
SDA ~~~~~~~Severe Disablement Allowance
SDP ~~~~~~~Severe Disability Premium
SERPS~~~~~ State Earnings Related Pension Scheme
SF ~~~~~~~~Social Fund
SOR ~~~~~~~Statement Of Reasons (Detailed Information on how a benefits decision was reached)
SAP ~~~~~~~Statutory Adoption Pay
SMP ~~~~~~Statutory Maternity Pay
SPP ~~~~~~~Statutory Paternity Pay
SSP ~~~~~~~Statutory Sick Pay
TS ~~~~~~~Tribunals Service
UK ~~~~~~~United Kingdom (Scotland, England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man)
WCA ~~~~~Work Capability Assessment (replaces PCA for ESA Claimants)
WFP ~~~~~Winter Fuel Payment
WRA ~~~~~Work Related Activity. (Training, education, work placements and health improvement tasks,which will be part of the ESA claim conditions for most claimants)
WRAC~~~~~ Work-related activity component.
WRAG~~~~~ Work-related activity group.
WRO/A ~~~~Welfare Rights Officer or Adviser.
WTC ~~~~~~Working Tax Credit
WP~~~~~~~ Widows Pension
WPA ~~~~~~~Widowed Parent's Allowance
Service Personnel and Veteran Agency Terms: (formerly Veteran's Agency)
SPVA ~~~~~~Service Personnel and Veterans Agency (formerly known as VA Veterans Agency)
WPS -~~~~~ War Pension Scheme
WP - ~~~~~~War Pension(er) or
WDP -~~~~~ War Disablement Pension(er)
VA&PC -~~~~ Veterans Advisory & Pensions Committee
WPMS -~~~~ War Pensioners Mobility Supplement
WPCAA -~~~~ War Pensioners Constant Attendance Allowance
ALSO -~~~~~~ Allowance for Lowered Standard of Occupation
UNSUPP -~~~~ Unemployability Supplement
CA -~~~~~~~~ Comforts Allowance or Clothing Allowance
ESDA -~~~~~~ Exceptionally Severe Disability Allowance
SDOA -~~~~~ Severe Disablement Occupational Allowance
AA - ~~~~~~~Age Allowance
TA -~~~~~~~ Treatment Allowance
PtTA-~~~~~~ Part-time Treatment Allowance
1stTT -~~~~~ First Tier Tribunal
WW -~~~~~~ War Widow(er)
AFPS75 -~~~~ Armed Forces Pension Scheme 1975
AFPS05 -~~~~ Armed Forces Pension Scheme 2005
AFCS -~~~~~ Armed Forces Compensation Scheme
GIP- ~~~~~~Guaranteed income Payment
PIC -~~~~~~ Principal Invaliding Condition
SIP -~~~~~~ Service invaliding Pension
SAP -~~~~~~ Service Attributable Pension
DAP -~~~~~~ Discretionary Awards Panel
DAAP -~~~~~ Discretionary Awards Appeal Panel
©A1 ESA/DLA/PIP Benefits Help and Support (UK only)