PIP Explained and main index to making a PIP claim or change from DLA to PIP
Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a benefit that can help cover extra costs you may face if you need help doing everyday tasks or find it difficult to get around outside your home.
PIP is replacing Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for people of working age across the UK (PIP is now also available in Northern Ireland). If you currently receive DLA, you'll be reassessed for PIP at some point.
About PIP
You can claim PIP if you have difficulties in getting around or need help looking after yourself because of your MS.
Your eligibility for PIP depends on what help you need. It doesn't matter if you don't actually get this help, as long as you can show you need it.
PIP has two parts (also known as components):
a daily living component – for help with everyday life, for example dressing, eating, decision making
a mobility component – for help with getting around. People who are reassessed from DLA to PIP may lose their Motability vehicle if they lose higher rate mobility - contact Motability to discuss your situation.
You can be awarded either, or both, of these parts. How much you get depends on the level of your daily living needs or mobility problems.
Who can claim PIP?
You can claim PIP if you're aged between 16 and 64.
If you're 65 or over and have care needs, you can claim Attendance Allowance instead. Children aged 15 or under with MS can claim DLA until they turn 16. Read more about Attendance Allowance or DLA.
You can claim PIP once you have had problems with daily living or mobility for at least three months, and you expect those problems to continue for at least another nine months.
You can get PIP even if:
you are working
you have not paid any National Insurance contributions
you are getting other benefits, such as Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
your partner or husband or wife works
you have savings
you live alone and no-one is providing care for you
you already have someone, a partner for example, providing care for you
you don’t want anyone to provide care for you
Completing the form part 1 (in 2 parts)
Completing the form part 2
Descriptors and Points
Daily Diary/Pain Info, Charts & Template
How to apply PIP to Mental Health Conditions
Obtaining Medical Evidence & Supporting letters
Attending the Assessment, Home Visits, Changing Venue & Expenses
DLA to PIP in UK & NI (plus BuDS article)
Re-Assessment/Reviews & Article
DLA Appointee’s
Warning: you must go to your assessment
You must go to your assessment otherwise your PIP claim will be rejected and you’ll have to start the application process all over again.
Contact the assessment centre straight away if you can’t make your appointment or if you’ve already missed it. If you’ve a good reason for not going they may reschedule it. The number to contact is on your appointment letter.
There are no rules on what is a good reason for missing an assessment but the DWP should take into account your health and things that may affect you like a family bereavement.
If your PIP claim is rejected because you missed your assessment, you can ask the DWP to change this decision. You must have been given at least 7 days’ written notice of the assessment date (unless you agreed to a shorter notice period).
Walking Descriptors
DWP have started arguing, for the purposes of disability benefits, that walking done indoors will be considered as representative of a person’s ability to walk out of doors unless there is reason to believe otherwise. Beware of this false and illegal argument!
The PIP, ESA and UC descriptors for mobilising/mobility specifically talk about walking out of doors. That means that your ability to walk out of doors is legally all that can be considered. The Upper Tribunal have also said that a person’s ability to walk in an ordinary street environment is what needs to be looked at. If DWP try to argue otherwise, ask them for a Statement of Reasons explaining what statutory or case law they are relying on. They’ll soon back down.
Another helpful free tip from the BuDS Benefit Information team!
Wrong Definition of PIP descriptor 3 has been applied Does this affect you ?
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