Claiming ESA (Employment Support Allowance)
How to complete an ESA50 form
Comprehensive information about ESA and claiming ESA
Special Rules /Terminal Illness
IMPORTANT! Re: ESA Regs 29 & 35:
Income and Saving Limits whilst on ESA
Payment Rates
Reliably, repeatedly and safely.
‘Lord’ Fraud made this statement in the House of Lords:
“It must be possible for all the descriptors to be completed reliably, repeatedly and safely, otherwise the individual is considered unable to complete the activity.”
You might be able to go up three steps once – but if cannot do it “reliably, repeatedly and safely”, in Freud’s own words you CAN NOT do it at all.
Apply the phrase “reliably, repeatedly and safely” all through your ESA50 or appeal form, use it on each of the descriptors. Make sure you state clearly which activities you can not do reliably, repeatedly, safely and in a timely manner, because they will otherwise assume you are consistently capable of them all.