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United we stand
ESA/DLA/PIP Benefits Help & Support UK
Mental Health & Hidden Illness
DLA v PIP Gary Vaux
Cost of living payments
Copy of Cost of living payments 2023
Energy Payments
Pensions/pension credit
Pensions/pension credit:
Pension Credit
Eligibility for Pension Credit
Severe Disability, caring for others/chi
Help with housing costs, saving etc.
Benefit Guides
New benefit rates 2021-22
Commonly used Abbreviations BY DWP
Attendenace Allowance
Bank Charges on Benefits.
Becoming an Appointee
Benefit Cap
Cancer & Benefits
Carers Allowance
Carers and Students.
Child Tax Credit
Council Tax Reductions
Council Tax and Severe Mental Impairment
Direct Payment Social Services
DLA (Disability Living Allowance)
DLA for Children
Discretionary Housing Payment
ESA (Employment Support Allowance)
Full Time Students and Benefits
Guardians Allowance
Good Reasons for Late Appeal
Help with School Uniforms
Housing Benefit
Non Dependant Deduction from HB
Income Support
Industrial Injuries Benefit
Job Loss/ Long Term Sick
JSA (Job Seekers Allowance)
JSA when Sick.
Losing your Job through long term sickne
Maternity Allowance and Pay
Maternity Pay Satutory
Maternity Grant Surestart
Mortgage help
Pension Credit
PIP (Personal Independance Payment)
Renting home from family members
SDP (Severe Disabilty Premium
Retirement Pension
Transferring Tax Allowance
SDP Who is a NON Dependant?
Statutory Sick Pay
Universal Credit
War Disablement Allowance
Widows Pension
Working Tax Credits
Claiming ESA
The Assessment
DLA Appointee's
Appealling the Decision. MR & Tribunals
DWP reveal WCA or NOT?
ESA: Appeals. SSCS1
ESA: Claiming during an MR
ESA/JSA Domestic Violence
ESA: Hassle from Coaches
ESA: Long term, no reassessmements
ESA: Mandatory Reconsideration
ESA: Non Attending(Good Cause) Template
ESA: Paper based Assessment
ESA: Permitted work rules on ESA
ESA: Permitted Work Form PDF
ESA: Personal Actions
ESA: Refusal
ESA: Support Group descriptors
ESA: Tribunal; What Happens
ESA: The Decision.
ESA: WRAG Group descriptors
ESA What Happens at Assessment
ESA 3 Forms (Income related)
ESA 50 Work Capability Assessment
Complaining re WCA
JSA: Claiming after ESA
Recording an Assessment
DWP Complaints Procedure
NHS Help with costs
Claiming PIP (Main Index)
Complete PIP form 1
Complete PIP form 2
Descriptor 3 wrong definition
PIP: Appeals. SSCS1
Appealing: MR's & Tribunals
PIP: Descriptors and Points
PIP: Losing Mobility Car
PIP: Making a Claim
PIP: MR; Mandatory Reconsideration
How to apply PIP to Menta Health
PIP: Obtaining medical Evidence for PIP
Recording Assessments
PIP: Re-assessments
PIP: Tribunal; What happens
Blue Badges and PIP
Motability Scheme
UC Explained. Main Index
UC What is it?
UC: How to Claim
UC: Advance Loan
UC: Additional Elements
UC: Budgeting Loan
UC: Captial & Savings
UC: Carers
UC: Claiming as a couple on
UC: Claiming under Special R...
UC: Earnings and Self-Employed
ESA TO UC: Facts, Triggers and Articles
UC: Housing Benefit; Qualifying
UC: Housing Benefit; How much ?
UC: Health Care Costs
Health costs for those on UC
UC: Sanctions & Decisions
Sick/Disabled ( Article)
UC: Sick/Disabled
UC: The Groups
UC: What is taken into Account?
UC: What does it replace
UT1: Qualifying Period
UT2: Reducing PIP Awards B
Reasons to request SOR .
UT3: Reducing PIP Awards
UT4: Tribunal Warning
UT5: Managing Med
UT6: Desc 1, 2, & 9
UT7: Epilepsy and Seizures
UT8: Not to rely on Assessmen
UT9: Moving DLA to PIP
UT10: Communication Support
UT11: Reason for Changing Award
UT12: Unable to Read
UT13: (Anxiety and Distress )
UT14: (Meaning of Therapy)
UT15: (Lightweight Pans)
UT16: (Reducing PIP)
UT 17: (Safety and Supervision)
UT18: ( Mobility Cars)
UT 19: (Paper Tribunals)
UT 20: (Losing Money PIP Regs)
UT 21 (DWP Home Visits)
UT 22 (PIP awards and ESA claims
UT 23 (Engaging face to face)
UT 24 (Communicating Verbally)
UT 25 (Mental Health Ruling)
UT 26 (Walking Around)
UT27 (Medications)
UT28 (OCD can get points)
UT29 (DWP Destroying/Losing)
UT30 (Fraud Statistics)
UT32 (Learning Difficulties)
UT 33 Desc 1 Learning Difficulty
UT35: PIP 50% rule
UT34: Use of Aids
UT36: MR Time Limits
UT 37: Descriptor 9
UT 38: PIP Descriptor 9
UT 39; Visually Impaired
UT 40 Descriptor 7
UT 41: Preparing for PIP Tribunal
UT 42 DLA to PIP re-instate
UT 43 Use of SatNav In PIP
UT 44 DWP prove Action Taken
UT 45 Carers and PIP
UT 46 Changes to PIP Awards
PIP Mobility (re public transport)
Law clear about PIP Descriptors
Refuse Face to Face for ESA
Dressing and Undressing
Walking Speed
Precaution against Incontinence
Face to Face Socialising (templates)
Ability to understand Body Language
Precautions against Incontinence
Stop or reduce an Award
Bedroom Tax
Budgeting Skills, Income Expenditure
Citizens Advice Bureau
Credit Unions
Freedom of Information Request
Link to Select Commitee
If served with Section 21 Notice on yo
Overnight Stayers.
Warm Home and Heating help
Tribunals on Line ???
Debt Advice
Job Center plus office contacts
Useful DWP telephone numbers
Useful Links for further help
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