Welcome to our website. We hope this resource will assist you with your benefit queries and provide valuable information and resources all in one place.

Christmas Benefit payment dates
If your benefit payment is due over the Christmas Holidays, it will come in early; ALL OTHER PAYMENT DATES REMAIN THE SAME
Due dates for bank holidays
December 26 (Will be paid on December 23)
December 27 (Will be paid on December 23)
January 2, 2023 (Will be paid on December 30, 2022)
January 3, 2023 (Will be paid on December 30, 2022)

website under going a re-vamp so please bEAR with us
New benefits rates from April 2022
Covid 19
How to claim £500 if you have to self isolate
Claiming financial support under the Test and Trace Support Payment scheme
This site is designed to give as much information as possible, to assist you in making claims for benefits when you are Sick or Disabled and unable to work.
If its highlighted it's a link
Benefits Guides
This is the best place to start. All current benefits are listed and where applicable amounts awarded are given
Information re mandatory reconsiderations , (MR) appeals, tribunal decisions and much more.
Resources and Links
General Q&A
Links to sites that will help you with your claims and queries.
Contact details, telephone numbers and address's
Upper Tribunal Decisions
are those which affect all benefits after an appeal has been made. Here you can find files appertaining to many decisions that can affect how you make an appeal
So hover over the appropriate box in the menu bar at the top and click on the page you need.